Name: – James Marquis
Company: – James Marquis Psychology Services
Position: – Director/Psychology Coach
What do you actually do day-to-day? – Coaching, consulting & training with individuals & organisations
Have you ever had a mentor? If so, who? – Yes, a few over the years. Currently, Caroline Dakin.
Does money motivate you? – Of course, to some degree.
What has been the most important event in your working life? – Switching away from clinical psychology towards other therapeutic approaches. It blew the doors off and opened up a much more positive world for me and the work I’m able to do.
Who do you most admire? – People who enjoy life, have a genuine passion for what they do and that help others along the way.
What does leadership mean to you? – Inspire, empower, walk the walk.
What’s your favourite TV programme? – Friends currently (never watched it until recently) but many & varied overall
How do you relax? – Chill, read, laugh. After exercise.
Fry up or healthy smoothie? – Smoothie
Pub or club? – Pub
Gym or countryside walk? – Outdoors. Mountains!
Favourite piece of music? – From Rodrigo Leao, Espiral 2 to Alan Walker, Faded to Mumford & sons to Meatloaf to Pink and on and on and on…
Flannels or Florence & Fred? Who what?….
Birkdale or Birkenhead? I’m from Lancashire. I’m neutral and friendly to all! (laughing 😊)