Goal Setting That Works For You

If you have said any of the following when asked about your goals or goal setting, then this event is for you:

  • Goal setting? I’ve tried it and it doesn’t work for me.
  • I can get started but don’t seem to be able to stay on track long enough to complete them.
  • Sometimes I can’t even get started as I can’t seem to be motivated enough to get going.
  • I’ve tried SMART and it doesn’t work for me
  • Sometimes I achieve my goals and sometimes I don’t it’s so frustrating!

Goal setting isn’t as straightforward as it’s made out to be. To set goals that consistently work for you means more than just being SMART.

If you want to have your best life and achieve great things along the way by being able to tick off your goals along the way then this workshop is for you.

During this interactive workshop you will learn:

  • Why you being SMART isn’t enough on its own.
  • Know how you and your brain work when it comes to setting goals
  • Know what behaviours you will need to stop, start, do more, do less, and continue doing
  • And have a guide to help you achieve any goal you want
  • Have an opportunity to be supported with your success

To get yourself booked on, click on the link below to register and reserve your spot and let's get you smashing your goals so you can live your fullest life

Click HERE to book your place.