It gives me great pleasure to invite you to attend the 2024 Professional Liverpool AGM, taking place on Wednesday 13 November 2024 commencing at 12pm at The Old Hall in the Cotton Exchange, Liverpool, L3 9BS.

Our Chair and I are keen to share with you some of the highlights of the last year, and to hear from you, our members.

The formal notice for the AGM and associated papers can be found above, but if you intend to join us, I would be grateful if you could register via the event link HERE.

Members can submit a form of proxy prior to the AGM whether they intend to attend the meeting or not, appointing the Chair of the meeting or another nominee as proxy. The form of proxy should be received at the Professional Liverpool office by 9am on Wednesday 13 November. If you vote by proxy, you cannot vote again at the meeting unless you notify the Secretary in advance that your proxy is withdrawn.

Only one nominated representative of each member business may vote, although all personnel of members are welcome to attend.

I look forward to seeing and hearing from you at the AGM, and at the lunch on the following day.

Best wishes,
